There is an old saying that goes something like this: "what goes around comes around." Condemnation means that you strictly disapprove of the actions of someone or something, leading you to take action against them. Recently, I saw where some young men kissed a person of the opposite sex, and they are now being subjected to punishment, condemning their action. Condemnation has to do with judgement. The bible teaches that whoever judges will be judged. Judgement is God's job.
Years ago, if a female became pregnant out of wedlock, she was condemned by society and even by her own family. The punishment was to banish her anywhere else but there. Or worse, force her to have an abortion, or to place her child up for adoption. The result of her crime, often snuffed out the life of the unborn, condemning the innocent.
Being condemned to death in some countries, is the sentence for serious offenses and sometimes even lesser crimes against people. Self-condemnation can be spiritually and physically damaging.
God loves the sinner and hates the sin. He did not stone the sinner caught in the act of adultery, therefore, not condemning her, but forgiving her. We should be imitating His example of mercy, not judgement or condemnation.
This is being prepared for the Carnival of Oct. 18th., should I have success in posting it.
Keto Simple
5 years ago
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