See Grandma, my eyes are really dark blue....not big brown ones like daddy

See Grandma, my eyes are really dark blue....not big brown ones like daddy

Ryan and friend

Ryan and friend
Mommy, Daddy, I'm saying Hi to Grandma?

This one is for you, Grandma!


soccer with determination and no airplane distractions

Thursday, November 29, 2012

What Should We Call It

We are told that we should be inclusive and everyone has a "particular title" to celebrate what we've come to call "Christmas, or the Birth of Christ. Everyone says that how they celebrate it is correct, and in their own mind and according to what they have learned, in their tradition, feel comfortable saying "whatever greeting suits them". If mom said it should be Christmas--then it is. The fact is that It must be "real" to you. So, the battle goes on-- Is it Merry Christmas or Happy Holidays? Happy Holidays is appropriate because it does not "leave anyone out," nor should it. It should be a day when the entire world feasts on Peace. I WISH IT COULD BE! No matter what others call it, LOVE is what we all "want and need". Getting your shirt ruffled creates bad feelings among friends. We create unnecessary stress and, a diversion as to what the day is REALLY all about?  We are called to live in peace as Christians. We must get along with all our brothers, as Christ "came for all mankind." It would be better not to say anything at all, than offend others. Some people respond with empty sentiments, having no sincerity or belief behind their greeting. They are tired of the commercialism, leaving them in debt because of the expectations of loved ones, who have been fed with the must haves. Why do we not care if its St. Nicholas, or Santa Claus if it's all about titles? To many, those who are cold and suffering from the effects of Sandy, those who have lost loved ones, who are poor, who are lonely-- and who are anything but Merry, Happy Holidays, for them, I hope they can be. Ask soldiers who are defending our nation, what it would take? Peace be with them. The fact is, many celebrate anything but "the Birth of Christ," It is all about the party and gifts. What is Christmas if it does not bring to all love, hope and promise of what's to come? Come let us Worship Him, we hear in the carols of old...but will they? If there is little joy...I don't wonder why. We have less than one month to go before the message of the angel will be told once again about the Birth of a Savior who was born in Bethlehem, bringing us goodness and light. There is still time to seek Him. He will be lying in a cave, the cave of your heart, and you will know Him by His Love for you.

Tuesday, November 27, 2012

Occupied by Greed

What has caused us to become entangled in the mess we're all in today with all it's uncertainty? Simply put...our greed. We need to be the biggest, and the best. Our focus is on us--the me, myself and I. Our quest for things has gone beyond need, demanding more goods and services and not nicely, as we have become the selfish brats that no-one can handle. We want and we're going to get, no matter who it hurts or what it costs. We infact, do not care how much it costs and our society is going to suffer as a result. Parents are using new language, like "use your words". Children do not know how to converse anymore as they are consumed with activity. They become lonely in their own little world, a world of consumerism, where we are greedy especially with our time. More and more we e-mail to get answers back, so we won't have to deal with questions from someone else. Certainly, we do not want to make it "personal," see into their eyes and hear their voice. People want to know what is wrong today? Are we a generation of "real" people, or have we become an unfeeling, busy, distant uncaring lot. I read a Christmas Card that suggested that our faith is in question if we do not say "Merry Christmas" and that we are in a "war on Christmas". That is the most ridiculous statement that I've ever heard. I don't think my "faith" is that shallow. It was never about the "tree" in our house growing up. We knew all about St. Nicholas, and Christmas came whether we had symbols or not. It wasn't about things--it was about each other and being together. One thing is true, your kids will learn from you. Good and bad. The trees will be up and the homes will be beautifully decked out and yes, presents will be under the tree. But, there is much more to it. Will you be with your family? Will you remember your friends? Will it be important to bring your children to worship God on Christmas, the reason for the season in the first place. It is, in the end, all about what is in your heart. You can have everything, but without "love" you might as well have nothing. It was predicted that the hearts of many will grow cold. Are we there yet? Or, like Scrooge, will we be given another chance before it's too late. Those who are making a big deal about denying us "Christmas," I say, don't hold your breath.