See Grandma, my eyes are really dark blue....not big brown ones like daddy

See Grandma, my eyes are really dark blue....not big brown ones like daddy

Ryan and friend

Ryan and friend
Mommy, Daddy, I'm saying Hi to Grandma?

This one is for you, Grandma!


soccer with determination and no airplane distractions

Thursday, September 13, 2012


It takes tact, shrewdness and skill to conduct affairs of any type. Every action has an equal and opposite reaction, someone once told me. If you hit someone, you may get hit back, escalating violence. What to do? What to do takes careful anaylsis. If a baby is crying the question has to be why. The baby may be wet, hungry or is there another undisclosed reason? Through a process of evaluation, you can resolve the situation without to much difficulty. As a child is able to speak, they may say yes, or no. Sometimes they say "no" when they mean yes. You must be able to discern by observing their actions. Frustrated children, sometimes resort to tantrums. At times, its best to just walk away until you can sort it all out. Being unwilling to give in to the bad behavior, opens the door to another way, communication. Often gaining an understanding to the situation helps to resolve it. Sometimes, its I want my mommy and nothing else will do. We cannot expect to give the child everything he or she wants, especially materialistically. It is that way in life. There are times when we just have to cry. We can decide to learn to be become more diplomatic. Maybe, we do not have to eat all that is placed in front of us, we can choose to eat a little less, just to please. Maybe, we can juggle bedtime, just a bit to accommodate a favorite show. Maybe, we can be rewarded for doing a chore or for working hard at resolving a behavioral problem, or spending more time on homework or a project--just to please mom and dad. Growing your bank account or buying a special toy "that you earned", may be a resolution to everyones satisfaction. We need always to find peaceful solutions to all situations, through diplomacy, promoting understanding. Anger at any level, leads to hate and even worse. Violence is not the way to respond responsibly to any situation. We always should be open to what others have to say without demanding our own way. We need to establish fair rules, and have clear-cut guidelines. Listening, and observing others and challenging yourself, to work out difficulties, with perservence and in the spirit of good will, will in the long run, lead to lasting friendships and a state of peace. We must be willing to be a peacemaker, and teach our children by example. They should see us always, as non-violent beings. An action that begins with trust. A trust that says, "we can work it out." As brothers on this earth, we are called to coexist in a spirit of mutual understanding, trust, and in a spirit of helping one another. When people react out of anger, our response should be measured -- baby steps, contained and utilizing diplomacy, having forgiveness in our heart, and right action, we must lean on a loving God who will never forsake us. And, finally , we should not let the actions of some pull us into a decision which may lead to escalation, bigger and bolder actions that may lead to unresolvable conflict, and eliminate the good work which we have done in the name of establishing democracy in the Arab world. Which way to go--we should show restraint to the maximum. We know there is a better way. Peace through prayer, and diplomacy. Is this what our decision will be? Or, will "unrest" lead us to undesirable condequences? Consequences, that may be beyond our comprehension. Is there a resolution in this age of terrorism? Can we build a peaceful society? Is their a cost of failure? What is it? Can we afford that? The unknown--the moment of truth, can be unsettling and downright frightful and it's anxiety is not only regional, but world wide in consequences. We are sorely tested. We must show strength, constraint, and leadership, in a world begging example and purpose.

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