Good guys wear white hats is an old slogan, which we see, is not always the case. Can't even remember where I heard it, but this was a fallacy for sure. It is also untrue about what manner of dress has to say about someone. I remember a time when signs said, no "long" hair allowed. We have come a long way, haven't we? What was proper years back, would be laughable today. The fact is, "exteriors" have little to do with the true nature of the person, yet, that's how we are judged by some.
Several years ago the character Superman, had a type of vision that could penetrate one's clothing and he could see straight to the "heart". False fronts blind us, leading us to believe that people are kind or otherwise normal loving beings, when they are anything but. Who knows what lurks beneath the surface?
Since it is a question of "heart" we must acknowledge that many hearts have gone "cold". Cold, may mean unfeeling and uncaring toward our brother. People can and do hurtful things without regret. As kids we used to say things like, "have a heart." Why isn't it just that simple....We want everything to be "sweet." If there is anything that I've learned in life, it is that life is anything but "sweet," as we learn to take the good with the bad. There is something we can do, and that is pray for change. We can all decide to change. We must forgive and help those in need. Go out of our way to do good deeds. Think of others first. Wear a cheerful countenance. Be polite and accommodating. Share, care and work toward betterment. You can make a difference. Be the example of the change that you want to see.
There is One, other than the superman myth, that can see the "condition" of your heart. He is the only judge. Jesus will have the final word. Everyone will get their chance....Another old saying is "do not throw caution to the wind." Maybe there is something to be said in those words of wisdom-- People of Massachusetts have showed the world, by their examples of love, that we still "have a heart." We are convinced that the bad guys finish last.
Keto Simple
5 years ago
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