Today I'm still in awe of the question asked of me by my little grandson, Ryan. I'm his grandmother, but at times, feel more like his playmate. We play cars, trains and cooking, dining together which we look forward to --trying different foods and dipping sauces. He loves Ranch dressing and just about everything gets a dipping into the ranch heaped on his plate before consumption. Ryan says "Esterday", and I always have to say to him, "is it yesterday or esterday." After correction, we giggle a little and move on. He's picked up a few words incorrectly, possibly from hearing them at day care, from other children learning to speak. Part of my grandma job is to listen for, and help him learn to say the words correctly, by gently correcting. We made three scrambled eggs, which he practically ate all by himself, surprisingly. And yes, after the fast, I now had some sausage in the house, which he was thrilled about eating and ate every bite. He's getting pretty good at cutting his own food with a salad fork and a butter knife. Bread, toast and juice and half of a pudding, I don't know where he puts it all, but he was full of energy afterward.
We spent time outdoors, and I let him help set up his picnic table, where we had lunch. Part of the fun was in filling his water can to water the weeds, along with the flowers. He opens the water source, uses the hose to fill the can, quickly turns off the valve, without getting wet. Not bad for a three-year old. Violets everywhere, his dad used to pick them for me when he was his age. We set the table, complete with umbrella, on blocks covered with mulch. Out came a truck planter and two sneaker planters, one red and one blue, which he immediately thought of his uncle Yo, "saying those reminded him of his green sneakers. Soon, I'll pick-up some flowers to plant, possibly at the end of the month. He loves, blue, yellow and pink. His brother loves orange flowers. We'll get plenty of both.
An important part of the set-up is the leveling of the table. I used a cup of water on the table to show him how easy it is to see if the table were level. Then, I dragged out the Exact Level and showed him the bubble which had to be in the center of the two lines. Everything we do is a learning experience. He is well rounded, loves to work and play. We play music together and find time to paint for grampy. He is a determined drummer, just like his uncle Steve.
We both carried the mat for the swing out to the back, because swinging with grandma is also one of his favorite outdoor activities. We also did some yard work, he held the bag, which I filled with the leaves, which came from who knows where? I thought we got them all last fall. He chose to use the big rake, of course. We did a small portion, grampy will help on Saturday. Grandma's tired.
Ryan is looking forward to going in the pool and that's all he talked about-- boat, froggy and all. Still, there was time to review all the gardens and examine the flowers that are already peaking out. It will be splendid again this year. It's the type of garden you dream about all winter in its anticipation.
His little mind is working overtime now, and since he's learned to talk he can't wait to share his little stories with his grandma. Then suddenly, out of the blue, he said, "Grandma, I have a question for you." Wow he had a question for me. This was the first time he said "I have a question". The question floored me. It took me by surprise. He said: "Grandma, do you love me." I was stunned. That is the question that defines who we are. Only human beings are capable of love. It is the only thing we desire in life and the only thing that truly makes us happy, and successful. What is this thing called love? It is largely that which makes us what we are and are to become. We say-- it is a decision to care for someone unconditionally, with patience, kindness and endurance. It is greater than what we are. It just is. Besides, his brother Nathan kissed me on the cheek, Saturday, without prompting all by himself. I know they love me. It was the first time and it took me by surprise. The boys are growing up too fast.
"Yes Ryan, Grandma loves you." Love is life's greatest mystery, it answers all questions. How blessed I am.
Keto Simple
5 years ago
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