What do you consider yourself most like -- a pebble, stone, or a rock. Maybe, your a stumbling stone? Stumbling stones roll around, like pebbles, insecure and waivering with uncertainties of life, and, in their misdirections, are clogging, and become stumbling blocks. In your lack of faith, have you become a stumbling block to yourself and others.?
Give to me the Rock of ages...that I too become a "rock" to those who surround me, even in my weekest resolve, having become steadfast, unmovable, grounded in my strength toward You, that I may not become a stumbling block, but a beacon of light and hope to those who need it the most.
There are people that I know who are, and have become, a source of strength in the life of another. At times, they need not even say a word, just knowing that they are there is enough. What does not waiver, is the love that they have for you, no matter what....The anchor that one clings to through any storm. The rock gets them through.
Rock of Ages, cleft for me
let me hide myself in Thee....
Taken from the Orthodox Study Bible (Psalm 31:1-2)
"In You O Lord, I put my trust;
Deliver me in Your righteousness.
Bow down Your ear to me,
Deliver me speedily;
Be my rock of refuge,
A fortress of defense to save me."
Time to get anchored down...Do you know the Rock?
(1Cor10:1-4) "Moreover, brethren, I do not want you to be unaware that all our fathers were under the cloud, all passed through the sea, all were baptized into Moses in the cloud and in the sea, and all drank the same spiritual drink. For they drank of the spiritual Rock that followed them, and that Rock was Christ."
We believe, "For at Communion, at the Eucharist, there is a real participation in the Body and Blood of Christ. Just as Christ's human body is united to Him, so we are untied to Him. As many grains become one loaf, those who take this communion become one in Christ."
Who cares about predictions? True or false, we all have to weather calamities, as in all the ages before us. The greater question is: from where will you derive your unfailing strenght and hope? Who will you cling to?
Some feel that they do not need the rock, they can do it all on their own. Here is clear message--a thought for you to ponder today. (1Cor:10:22) "Or do we provoke the Lord to jealousy? Are we stronger than He?"
Living out our faithful relationship to God in the Church, let us (Rom12:9)"cling to what is good."
David's Song of Deliverance--(2Kingdoms 22:2) "O Lord, My rock, my fortress and my deliverer; (3) My God will be my guardian, in whom I will trust; My defender and the horn of my Salvation, My protector and the refuge of my Salvation, You will save me from unrighteousness. I will call upon the Lord, who is worthy to be praised; And I will be saved from my enemies."
Who is your rock?
Keto Simple
5 years ago
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