See Grandma, my eyes are really dark blue....not big brown ones like daddy

See Grandma, my eyes are really dark blue....not big brown ones like daddy

Ryan and friend

Ryan and friend
Mommy, Daddy, I'm saying Hi to Grandma?

This one is for you, Grandma!


soccer with determination and no airplane distractions

Wednesday, July 18, 2012

Finding the Narrow Road

Are you on the road to destruction? Then, possibly you are over-stressed and over burdened, and most likely lacking peace. The peace that brings about healing. Some of us travel on the wide road until rather suddenly, we are slowed down. Did you ever feel like your on a roller-coaster ride and want to get off? You just want to stop the madness. Maybe there is time to smell the roses before it is too late. We are told that because of our stressed lifestyle, our health is at risk. Coupled with toxins, external and internal, we are literally dying with each breath. The quality of our life is determined by our choices and we want to be able to enjoy life to the fullest, not being robbed by sickness. So we exercise, exercise, exercise, throw out the cigarettes, a known carcinogen and we eat anti-inflammatory foods. We pay particular attention to our brain, stimulating the neurons with activity, avoiding alzheimer and dementia.Awareness of brain-killing chemicals and substances keeps us at realizing our best intellect. We are told that we can ward-off cancer by consuming proper nutrients, which are rich in protective spices, and anti-oxidants. Of course, we heed to the the required 7 to 8 hours of rest to assure good balance and repair. All this is good, but if you haven't "unloaded your stress," that which is causing you to become ill in the first place, you are waisting your time. Billions of dollars have been raised and utilized along with radiation, therapies and pharmaceuticals--to no avail. The secret to good health is balance. Bad habits produce bad result. Along with the stress that you have acquired over your lifetime, possibly you have learned and taken on to yourself undesirable behaviors, like undesirable eating habits, which help lead to your demise. There is a road to healing, that is the "road less travelled," which leads to healing, powerfully. Orthodox Christians are called to the practice of prayer, bible study, and the correct worship that opens the door to permanent and lifegiving healing. (Matthew 7:7)"Ask, and it will be given to you; seek, and you will find; knock, and it will be opened to you." (Taken from the Orthodox Study Bible). There is a factor which has been overlooked. Until you unload the burden that holds hostage your emotions, releasing that which prevents healing, spilling dangerous cortisol output into your system. This can lead to weak adrenals, sleeplessness, and ultimately poor health. It's like a drop in a bucket, or sweeping it under the carpet. The build-up will take it's toll, eventualy. The first thing we say at our worship service, (Liturgy) is: "In peace, let us pray to the Lord." Are you lacking peace? Becoming forgiving and calm, helps to silence "interiorly" unhealthy static and creates a balance that leads to spiritual and physical healing. And on this path of wellness, you will find happiness.

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linda said...
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