Today while in church, Father Peter said something that set off a bell. He said many things in which I totally agree with, like: violence begets violence. It is not up to us to choose sides but to love all mankind. That actually is what I have been saying to myself all week, while praying for peace in the middle east. Much has gone through my head pertaining to the horrible stories that have come over the airwaves regarding the loss and displacement of so many innocent people, children and women. It is natural to want to strike back, but ultimately, PEACE is the only answer -- loving one's neighbor, residing in justice. That means fairness and equality -- working out problems through conversation and establishing the changes necessary for sucessful coexistence. Are we not all God's children?
I agree with the action taken by our president. I'm sure he is trying to do the right thing in helping prevent genocide by providing food and water, and air strikes to protect our people who are caught in the crossfire of a dreadful situation. The question of how far should he take it? I believe truly that it is not our war. We are to desire FREEDOM above all, everywhere. Who wouldn't choose it if they had a choice? Religion does not call for death, only a darkened heart does, one lacking hope, and is enslaved, lacking love.
Our God is a God of Light, Truth, and above all Love. Love demands that we forgive each other and help each other not kill each other. Real Christians do not believe in hate of any kind. We are called to "Forgive". Relax, Jesus is in control. All you have to do is trust. He will provide the way if you ask. His way does not lead to death and destruction, but life eternally. He is the only way...
If death is the price, the Word became incarnate for us, for God so loved the world that He gave His only begotten son, that we may not perish but have eternal life-- salvation though faith in Him. He died for you because of His love for you.
We are free to choose. What is your choice-- Death or Life?
Remember the message of the angels "Peace on Earth Good Will Toward Men"
Keto Simple
5 years ago
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