Last week while on face book, someone had a wonderful thought about doing something good for someone else that day. So here is the solution for your nuts. You can do everything right, but the one thing you forget to do, will cancel the good benefits, and cause your body distress.
Much has been written about what and when to eat something. How to benefit fully from what your eating, is another matter. Did you know that eating fruit in the morning facilitates the body's natural elimination, because it has the most energy around noon each day, unloading the body of excess weight and acid. You probably knew that. But did you know that your body needs four times as much alkaline food (about 75% more) than acidic foods. A book that came out in 1939, by Jethro Kloss (Back to Eden), recommended "75 to 85 percent alkaline foods should be used in the everyday diet." "When your sick, 90% alkaline-forming foods." Preventing "acidosis" is an important key to enjoying homeostasis and a balanced body chemistry. Acidifying your blood puts off weight loss. (Resource: Fitonics For Life)
There are coatings which naturally protect all nuts and legumes which must be removed by soaking. This process of soaking for at least 30 minutes, will change the chemistry of the product, and lighten the digestive burden on your body. ("Dr. Hay explained, we develop a condition of self-poisoning.)" This results in acidity, a subsequent lowering of the body's alkaline reserves, will dramatically decline the state of your health ." Did you know that cancer cells thrive in an acidic environment, while normal cells decline? Dr. Paavo Airola, Natural Health pioneer and world-famous nutritionist, believed that "acidosis (an acidic bloodstream) is the basic cause of all disease." What are some of the signs of having too much acid in your blood? Dark circles under the eyes. Wrinkles, bloating, acid reflux and acid indigestion. (Resource: Fitonics For Life)
There is a need to soak your grains, seeds and nuts. This pre-digestion method is simple, requiring little effort, for the benefit. This was not something my mom did, but I do recall my grandmother doing it, when she baked. This technique should to be brought back into practice.
Nuts and grains are essential to the diet, for fiber and overall health. Almonds are also a good source of Vitamin E, which may help thwart the common cold, and because it is an antioxidant, it prevents cells from damage. It may also lower the risk of Parkinson's disease, according to a 2002 "Harvard University study, looking at more than 76,000 women and 47,000 men."
We all need more fiber. Accordingly most women (93%) and men (86%) fall below the recommended amount of about 50% per day. "The American Journal of Clinical Nutrition gives fiber most of the credit, at least for cardiovascular protection."
Dr. James W. Anderson, a professor of medicine and clinical nutrition at the University of Kentucky, said "High fiber intake, from cereals and beans, was linked to increased life span, lowering your risk of heart disease by 30%. "
The Joslin Diabetes Center recommendation of 50G per day is nearly double the 25 to 30G advocated by groups like the American Heart Association. "The more fiber you eat, the better your blood sugar control, " according to the study.
Now take a deep breath, it will help you avoid alkaline deficiency. "Deep breathing will balance your chemistry as it alkalinizes your blood by removing carbon dioxide from your body". (Resource: Fitonics For Life)I hear my mother-in-law say that all the time, "take a deep breath" --and at ninety she ought to know.
Keto Simple
5 years ago
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