Don't make me laugh, that you would allow having someone tell you that your too old for active service, or to do anything! Your only as old as you feel. There are people younger than I am that cannot do the things that I'm capable of doing. Age is just a number, a place that can be used as a cut-off point.
Clearly some people retire at a young age only to go on to a livelier and more active way of life, and live to a ripe old age. We are all individuals and age has very little to do with our accomplishments, if we chose to do something. Just because we can, should not be a criteria for doing something that lacks common sense. The infant who has a mother of 76 years of age, in no way can compare to a younger and vigorous mother, no matter what is said.
Age is a mindset, a marker to realism. A place to start and a measure. Obstacle are what we put in the way of our accomplishments. The 40 year old today, is not the same as the 40 year old of yesteryear's. People seem to be enjoying a longer lifespan. Consequently, if you have taken care of yourself, there may be plenty of time ahead to worry about aging. If, technology keeps advancing as it is now, it may not even be a concern by the time you get to markers that tout you as too old.
Too old for what? Your never too old, it is not how old you are, but, how old you feel. The best way to handle that, is to not dwell on it, but to laugh it off....
Keto Simple
5 years ago
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