See Grandma, my eyes are really dark blue....not big brown ones like daddy

See Grandma, my eyes are really dark blue....not big brown ones like daddy

Ryan and friend

Ryan and friend
Mommy, Daddy, I'm saying Hi to Grandma?

This one is for you, Grandma!


soccer with determination and no airplane distractions

Wednesday, August 8, 2012

Laughter helps to overcome fear

Often, I hear it said about my little grandson, that he is fearless. He can't tell us when he is or if he is afraid, but the response that we got when he saw Wally or the Easter Bunny made it clear. The trouble is when your fear is not overcome or dealt with in some way, it will grow. People will accept your situation, often providing the excuse you need to allow it to continue. All well and good, but the old law applies--give them an inch and they'll want a yard. Several posts ago, Peter began to doubt himself, expressed his fear while walking on the water, and he began to sink. Self-doubt or thinking you cannot do something, leads to "I can't and I won't. What will change your attitude? Not much... It is sad when everyone is having a good time and because your not sure you can,(having self-doubt will lead to fear, (founded or unfounded)causing you to miss out. You sit on the sideline watching everyone else have fun, while your miserable. If not overcome, you can bring those fears into your adulthood, sometimes, even magnifying your fears. Carrying fear around is burdensome. Time to unload it...Our pastor made it clear that we do not know how long it took Peter to get out of the boat, but that he did. Mind you, the boat was in deep water, being in the middle of the sea, in the dark of evening, with the winds boisterous, and contrary, the boat was tossed by the waves. Of course, he was afraid...once he realized what he had gotten himself into. Jesus said be of good cheer, do not be afraid, and Come. Peter "was told" that he had "little faith" and was called a "doubter". The truth is that we are all afraid unless we are assured that we are in safe hands. Lord, save me, are words I say all the time, just like Peter. God is quick to hear. Was Peter's fear justified? Who wouldn't have feared getting out of the boat--to walk on water nonetheless, given those conditions? Fear is overcome usually by taking little fears on, slowly, building confidence. First, are you aware that whatever it is, causes injury? It may be all in your mind. That's what my mom used to tell me. There are ways to help you overcome those feelings, sometimes you do in time. A sense of humor always helps. Its easier when its play and involved with others. It is nice to know that someone is around to protect and watch over you, with an outstretched hand, like Jesus. Just think of all the things that you could accomplish, though, without the anguish, worry and tears that drags everyone down, especially you, once you get a handle on it. I can recall my mom, who having had five children and no time for fooling around, would say, "never mind your dilly-dallying, just do it. We understood perfectly, especially, the "or else." Just get over yourself....and you can and will accomplish all the goals awaiting you in this lifetime, one step at a time. Jesus expects us all to "overcome" and get out of the boat. That's what He meant when He told Peter to "Come." We are capable of more than you know with the help of Jesus.

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linda said...
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