Enough is enough is probably what my little grandson was thinking when he had had it with the latest swimming attire. A beautiful bathing suit with the appropriate netting inside was what was given for me to outfit him in for swimming in the pool. Accompanying the suit was a little waterproof diaper which prevents accidents from happening, so they say.
They don't tell you that the new pants fill up with water and become waterlogged to the point where they are heavy and force down the swimsuit with it. So, constantly, he was pulling up his ballooned britches.
How can you have fun when your concerned with your pants falling down? What did we do before they developed these interesting waterproof slip-ons? Guess we won't go there either. I recall years previous, when his brother's waterproof pants exploded and made one heck of a mess in the pool and all over the yard.
Ryan had the solution, and as I watched, he got out of the pool, stepped out of the bathing wear and proceeded back into the pool. His little shirt covered him nicely and he had a wonderful time playing with his water toys.
I guess enough is enough. He loves the pool and in this hot weather, who doesn't?
Keto Simple
5 years ago
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