My husband and I went shopping today. Luckily, he likes to shop and usually picks out just about every gift for the grandchildren. If you could have seen him trying out and examining each and every toy, he actually became the entertainment.
I have no patience for shopping and it's usually a quick search, scoop and carry-out of here-- type of ordeal. I'd rather not. Especially, when it comes to waiting in line to check out. No thank you. John, on the other hand, has taught me how to enjoy the task of gift purchasing by understanding what each person likes, color and all. He actually is a catalogue shopper and spends time looking at circulars. It becomes fun because he has so much fun doing it, without dragging me all around the store.
Many Christmases back we bought gag gifts for our kids which was a ball opening them, one at a time, bringing about much more humor and fun. I do not have a great sense of humor and rely on my friends to accommodate me in that department. I'm more of the comfort-type and see to their favorite foods-- type of person. Being in the store with the funny stuff, I was reminded of the reindeer that produced candy poop, perfect for either my brother or Steve, I can't recall. Another was that singing fish that hung on a wall, and when you pushed his button, he was hilarious. We found the Grinch that stole Christmas for Bill and something about a singing flushing toilet. My sons are both natural comedians and great entertainers, which they inherited from their dad. Little Ryan, at three is already starting to imitate us and "Yo" his uncle. He keeps me in stitches and I can't wait to see his reaction this year when he sees some of the new gadgets we've picked up.
All in all it was a fun day and believe it or not, I think we're done our shopping with plenty of time to spare. Decorating, gift-wrap and the tree still await. Our party will be a blast...This year, I'm making a gingerbread house with Wonka Candy and old-fashioned treats.
Thinking back to my nephew when he was two years old, one day told me that I was a clown. Surprised by what he said, I asked him why he said that. He said that I like to laugh. Now he is in college and my little grandson Ryan just last week said something similar. He likes to make grandma laugh. That must be why our gatherings are so much fun. We simply like to laugh. We are intent on having a Merry Little Christmas.
Keto Simple
5 years ago
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