I have been posting about people who are healthy at 100 years old. I have told you stories about eating habits that include cultured milk products, and feta cheese. I told you that I spoke with my cousins wife's mother, and learned that she was cured of breast cancer years ago by drinking raw milk, which is now illegal to purchase in the USA. The subject came up at that time about a clinic outside of Cooperstown, who I heard had done tests on rats with positive result utilizing raw milk. There have been many such rumblings from other sources.
My aunt's friend Irene was involved in other unsuccessful test utilizing carotin (vitamin A) the vegetable source, unlike the animal source of vitamin A. Unfortunately, she died from breast cancer.
The reason dairy had to be processed by heating in the first place, was unfortunate. Its logic initially was to prevent deaths through drinking the raw milk of diseased animals. An effort to protect us, caused us to slide downhill healthwide since then by destroying valued vitamins necessary for good health.
I stumbled on this piece of information today and copied it for you to see. "A major discovery about breast cancer reveals the astonishing preventive power of a simple vitamin found in everyday foods. Read this article by Sherry Baker to learn which vitamin:
http://www.naturalnews.com/026716_cancer_brst_cancer_Retinoic_acid.html "--go here.
The scientific community, based on research have been close for a long time. The carotin taken by experimentation on Vitamin A was plant based, and it did not work. The one that is suggested to work is an animal based vitamin A, or retinoic acid. Vitamin A, taken in large quantities is toxic. I am happy to read about milk and eggs (the animal source) as being exactly what I have been saying for such a long time. And that is they are a very good nutritious products especially in their natural form. Thanks to good ol' mother nature, once again.
Research is pending on the sunshine vitamin "D3," and CLA, which I predict the verdict will be overwhelmingly good. Its just good sense, that's all. So avoid the fat and buy low fat or 2% or less cultured milk products and you will benefit from good healty products, nature's best. If you look on my page to the right, you will see one of the woman, Alexandra, who I have been writing about. She is over 100 years young. The secret to her long life, she tells me is that she eats feta cheese daily, even when the doctor objected to it. Some call he "feisty" I call her smart.
Keto Simple
5 years ago
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