Are we becoming a godless nation? I immediately think about the story of Jonah and the whale. Is it important that we have a national day of prayer? It isn't to me, when prayer, or a moment of silence meant literally nothing to some, as they said "they have no god". Their god is their achievement, what they can do. Their god is their money or material things that indicate just how well they have done. It's a free country, believe what you want. My God deserves better!
I remember, we placed a cross in our home as many did. How many do you see today? Where are our Christian homes? Our people, as well as our nation, has changed. Open your eyes.If you display "religious articles in your home, your children's friends will more than likely poke fun at them." It's not popular. Who are we kidding, National Prayer Day or lack of it, is something for the media to rehash, and cause the frenzy that it needs to draw ratings.
If we are not hypocrites, we must admit that one size does not fit all. The message is not the same. We used be considered a Christian nation, but no longer. If we do say we are, then why are the churches, except for the feel good ones, the ones that help you to be entertained or to worship yourself, being filled to capacity?
The time is coming when you will wish you had paid more attention to the Truth, and as the people of Nineveh, repent. The truth that acknowledges that Santa Claus is really "a true saint" that does not come down the chimney. Prioritizing Easter, the celebrated Risen Lord and Savior, Christ Jesus, over the Easter bunny.
The problem is not that we failed to be a nation under god, but "in God do we trust". Unless you place your Trust in Him, you will have more to worry about than if we are a nation under God. A nation under God, would be centered around "Life, Love, and Liberty." That should teach you a lesson about history, where we are, and where we are headed.
Pardon the pun, but the only true justice, comes from "Him" alone. Do we really need lawmakers to tell us how to live a life of prayer? Or, for that matter, do we really need a national prayer day? Real prayer is deep and constant and it's a "relationship" that bonds us between the creator and is in reach of all humanity without constraint or permission.
If we stop long enough to see the reality of this, the people fighting over trivial things, "miss the collective opportunity" to do something constructive with the "real issues" that we need to be focusing on like hunger, abortion, and poverty. Try getting your butts to church on Sunday, the Lord's day. Will it be Christmas to me if it is not on the calender? Or if I do not have a gift to exchange? What do you think???
Keto Simple
5 years ago
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