My friend Linda and I work at the church hall, cleaning and making it presentable for special occasions. We often joke about who is Martha and who is Mary. Everyone knows that Martha felt that she did everything, while the other's sat around and had fun engaging in conversation with friends. I must admit I'm a bit of both.
One would think it best to be a Martha, but Jesus makes a clarification here. We go through life troubled and distracted by many things. Martha wants Jesus to tell Mary to help her. So she goes to him with her complaint.
(Taken from the Orthodox Study Bible.)Luke 10:41-42 "And Jesus answered and said to her, "Martha, Martha, you are worried and troubled about many things. But one thing is needed, and Mary has chosen that good part, which will not be taken away from her."
So, what is that good part? Listen and learn to do God's will. That which He has sent us here to do. Today, we remember, Mary the ever virgin and mother of God, who listened to God's voice and when she was asked to be the mother of the Most High God, she agreed to it, and said :"yes". (Go here for more information).
We get to wrapped up in the politics and worries of this world. I often say to my grandson, are you listening with your two ears? So many diversions...that prevent him from hearing what I am saying. I teach him to say, yes, grandma I hear you, so I know that he's been listening and then I follow through to be sure.
We, as the children of God, are to listen to His voice and to do His will, not ours, and like Mary, the sister of Martha, and Mary the mother of God, we need to be listening first. Then, serve Him and other's as we are called to do. These two examples are "doing the good part."
Jesus was born truly "humbled" as He had to listen to His mother, Mary, all the while listening to the voice of His father.
We see in( Luke 22:42) "Father, if it is Your will, take this cup away from Me, nevertheless not My will but Yours, be done."
Yes, He listened to his mother at the wedding of Cana, even though His time had not come yet. (John 2:5) "His mother said to the servants, "Whatever He says to you, do it."
We must be like both Mary the sister of Martha and Mary the Mother of God and listen to His voice, but unlike my grandson listening with two ears, we must listen with our hearts. And then like the example of Martha, Mary, Mary the mother of Jesus, Jesus and his many miracles, death on the cross, and the many other servants, "just do it." To accomplish His will, you will need to be set apart from worldly cares, which are distractions which often misguide you in the wrong direction.
There is only one way that I know this to be possible. And that is Love, a love that is personal and begins with submission to the Most High God, your creator and your decision to listen.
(John10:4) "and when He brings out His own sheep, he goes before them; and the sheep follow Him, for they know His voice."
Keto Simple
5 years ago
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