Old and quaint was the ambiance of the Christmas setting, where we shared a meal and wished everyone a Merry Christmas last night. As you walked through the doors, there was a knight in full armor to greet you, and as you walked into the Camelot Room, you were in a different century. The ceiling and floor had natural wooden beams, the large fireplace with a coat of arms centered in the middle of it, was capable of providing a roaring fire on a cold snowy eve. Swords of that error were seen throughout the white room masoned from stone, offset in red carpeting. The chairs looked like that of a different time and error, huge and magnificent in their rectangular setting, some green, and red leather. Large red bows and angels and golden horns dawned the room of greens, with cranberry cloth napkins. Glancing near the fireplace, I noticed an icon dated in the 1400's of a gold lady of Camelot, dressed in that period. It was a room laced with shivery, romance, and a era gone by.
The staff wore tuxedos, serving the crowd with ease. The Castle was fit for a king and his queen. After a quick prayer, by Fr. Peter, we all enjoyed our salad, rolls and dinner of choice. Dessert, a cup of coffee and apple crisp with cream, and we were quite content.
While we were waiting for the table reset just prior to dessert, gift bags were handed out to all. Christmas time is for sharing, telling others we care about them in every way possible. They are small gestures of kindness which snowball toward December 25th. the blessed remembrance of a "real king" born into this world for all humanity, in every generation.
It was a nice time and today, some recollections warm the spirit. People enjoyed the fudge, that my mom used to make every Christmas, that I hadn't made for years. I had the pleasure of thinking of her and how much she enjoyed Christmas. The cookies that I baked and Linda and I frosted, turned out to be a great day spent of much mess and laughter. As well, the gift of the soap to the ladies was handmade by our very own Monestary and monk. Best of all, we had the pleasure of inviting a guest who later revealed that she had not been to a Christmas Party for twelve years.
While we are making merry this year, look around. Is there someone that you know that has not tasted the joy of the Christmas Season for some time?
Christmas is for sharing, caring and for all. Won't you invite them in to your heart.
Keto Simple
5 years ago
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