There is a whole lot said about the second coming of Christ. We can and do say it with confidence, as He told us Himself that He would return. What He didn't tell us is when.
Christmas preparation for the coming of the Christ Child also includes the reminder that He is coming for the second and final time. I found a web page whose focus is on Christmas Carols that have been dedicated, to this end. For an example: "And He shall reign forever and ever." Maybe you can guess where those lyrics come from?
This morning, I left the prayer service with this thought, as every generation did before us, right up to this one, the belief was that Jesus was coming in glory in our very own time. The reason given was that it is what God wanted us to believe, and he did this on purpose. In this way, we always would be preparing and looking for Him.
Since we do not know exactly when we will see Him, there is always a longing and hope for all restoration, a hope that has been with us, since the day He left the earth.
Christmas preparation is very serious business indeed. More important than shopping and frivolous occupation, which causes us to miss the reality and deep meaning of His coming. It is a time for reflection, and anticipation. A joy for all the world to comprehend and experience.
Keto Simple
5 years ago
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