Perpetual union means that once together, they will never be separate. Mary, the mother of God, since the moment of His conception in her womb, secured for all time a perpetual union.
Mary received the Word in her womb, and He took flesh from her, Mary, His creation. Jesus was both human and Divine and was born almost two thousand years ago, of a woman.
God did not transform Himself into flesh, but took on human flesh, growing until fully formed in the womb of His mother. Some Icons show that from the angel Gabriel and upon Mary's acceptance, out of respect for our gift, freewill , the Word, upon hearing, entered in through her ear.
In our humanness, it is difficult to understand these concepts: A Virgin, received God. This is true because the Divinity is above all transformation. God Himself has said, 'For I am the Lord, I change not' (Mal. 3:6). So one can understand the position of the Theotokos, God Bearer, to be one of greatness in all generations.
This is a great mystery. The fact, that God dwelt in a womb of a woman. She was made spotless at her decision. And in agreement, she became the Mother of God for all time. The same child, Jesus, born of the Virgin, is the only begotten Son of God, and God.
St. Paul, makes it clear that He Himself became substantially and truly man. (Gal. 4:4,5) "God sent forth His Son, made of a woman, made under the law, to redeem them that were under the law.: (Gal 4: 4,5)
The Title: Theotokos, correctly given to the Virgin Mary, was a guarantee of the unity of Christ, Perpetually.
When you come to the stable, this holiday season, will you see The Christ, the Son of the Living God, who will be a small human baby, the son of Mary?
If that is all you see? look again, "For He is the Son of God who saves the race of men, the One called, Jesus. The One who we await His coming for the second time.
St. John (8:58) Taken from the Orthodox Study Bible, in the words of Jesus "Most assuredly, I say to you, "before Abraham was, I AM."
This week I read about Christians dying for their faith. The article told of countless victims and their stories. One stood out.
Entitled: A Catholic Survivor of Iraqi Church Massacre Speaks - International - Catholic online, By: Giulia Mazza 12-2-2010 (
"When at one point I heard a voice I do not know who he was shouting to ...the terrorists: 'We die, we die, okay. But the Cross lives.' "
Yesterday, I went to the jewelry box where my cross had been placed, and I put it on. This will clearly tell all where I stand. And , that is for Christ. The same Christ in Christmas.....
Keto Simple
5 years ago
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