When you eat at any facility do you wonder how long its been since the chairs were washed with soap or a disinfectant, or perhaps you've been sitting down at an unclean table. It isn't just the plastic utensils or plate that you should be concerned about if you are following the "established rules" for serving food to the public. We must be concerned for our brother's safety.
It has been concerning to me that people will kiss an object and without wiping it, another will do the same, spreading whatever germs they may have to the general public, ignoring the subject matter or making light of it, having no change to alter the fact that this is known to be unsanitary. As well, people do not all wash their hands as commonly believed. Once more, sitting on the toilet seat offers its own hazard. (Sorry, I didn't know how to say this delicately.)
You can get germs touching door knobs, pushing doors open and from stairwells, elevators and grocery carts.
Table settings need to be refreshed once people have been allowed to place their utensils on the surface. In the event of an epidemic flu or otherwise, I hope people in charge will use common sense in dealing with this subject matter and make sure that janitorial services are in place. (Linens are not practical).
Precautions have been discussed by the pastor of our church, in which we appreciate his concern. Our parish has a feeding program and we also have fellowship on Sunday after church. It is a known fact that sickness does not extend from Communion, because of what it is. But, what of the germs outside of the common cup? Is our community of believers and the general community ready? Have we, and are we truly prepared to take on what could be a challenging season ahead? This is the season of anticipation and preparedness. Are you ready?
Keto Simple
5 years ago
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