Beneath the New Hampshire Concert Tent the Minister conducted a Worship service at the top of Loon Mountain, where we witnessed the "Kirkin' o' the Tartans." This is where Clan Representatives carried their tartans to the front of the congregation for the blessing. Impressive plaids of many colors were presented before Almighty God, asking for His blessings on those, "His servants."
Here are some of the words of the Several Hymns that were sung--(The Lord's my Shepherd):"Yea, though I walk in death's dark vale, yet will I fear none ill; for Thou are with me; and Thy rod and staff me comfort still. My table Thou has furnished in presence of my foes; my head Thou doest with oil anoint, and my cup overflows. Goodness and mercy all my life shall surely follow me: And in God's house for evermore my dwelling-place shall be.
(Amazing grace): Through many dangers, toils and snares, I have already come; "Tis grace hath brought me safe this far, and grace will lead me home. Yea, when this flesh and heart shall fail and mortal life shall cease, I shall possess, within a veil, a life of joy and Peace. Amen.
Flowers of the Forest lists were read. These are the names of cherished friends and family who have left us over the past year. "The Flowers of the Forest are all withered away."
It was hard not to think of Cindy throughout the service knowing that she was failing from the cancer that has been seeking her demise for so many years. Praying that God would be merciful to her.
Our prayers were answered up there on that mountain, for today she became a Flower of the Forest. Cindy (Sophia) was a young mother who leaves behind a teen-aged daughter and husband. She was my friend. I'm a better person for having known her. May her memory be eternal.
Keto Simple
5 years ago
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