This is a strange title. It means sometimes others see you as you don't see yourself. When I read yesterday's post I came across the word "timidly" in describing myself. Anyone that knows me would have laughed out loud at that one, as it does not fit my personality. Some people describe themselves in ways that do not fit their personality. For an example, yesterday, a radio show host said of himself that he was kind and gentle. Who are you kidding? Kind maybe, but gentle? Now that was funny. I wonder how many that know you would agree with that statement. Sometimes nice, I'll give you that, when your not throwing other's under the bus, especially politically.
In speaking with a complete stranger yesterday, I got an in site that I had not really thought about. This person lives on the other side of the world, and when I remarked that we had so much in common, she said "yes, all but our personality." So, I asked her what she meant and she said she is shy, and introvert and I am and extrovert. How does a complete stranger know that? So today I went on google to find out.
According to what I read, I am definitely an extrovert. Years ago when people married they were not knowledgeable about such things, which I think are very important. Marriages can fail because two people, who are not compatible, such as introverts and extroverts, must constantly enter into compromise. Otherwise, one of the partners will be unhappy. It's nothing you can help, it is your "personality".
It has to do with your energy level. Apparently, you can be a little of each. But in my case, I have "little to do" with being an introvert.
This is what I learned about some of my dominant personality traits: Likes being the center of attention being comfortable in groups, (public demonstrations), and community events and large social gatherings. Extroverts are people oriented, and take leadership positions. Are expressive and open with their thoughts, feelings and opinions. Don't like being alone. Have a high opinion of themselves or self esteem. Have a need for approval, and a major desire to please others. Is outgoing and assertive. They do not do well with higher learning because it means solitary studying. They attract as opposites do, to introverts, but find it hard to live with them, making the divorce rate high.
I must admit that this information shed a light on the subject. It explains why my husband wants and likes to be alone and quiet. While he likes to dominate, that can be problematic to an extrovert. I get frustrated when things don't get done in a timely manner and often do them myself. Introverts do things on their own schedule, as their energy level is usually not as high as extroverts. There is little compatibility between extroverts and introverts. The end result is that their is either a lot of love, or a lot of frustration and unhappiness.
I'm starting to see a pattern here with a younger couple who have expressed this problem, he wants to go out while she wants to stay home. In this day and age, the popular going out with the girls and guys attitude opens the door to promiscuous behavior, and an uncementing of marriages. People get into professions, and yes while they are good at it, they are truly unhappy because the profession does not suit their personality.
She was right, how much do I really know about "who I am?" How do any of us know, except through the eyes of sometimes a complete stranger.
I love to travel, he won't fly. So I stay home. Is he a good man, a good father, a good provider? It is hard to find a man today that will love you for who you are. My husband lives to please me, now isn't that the trait of an extrovert?
Keto Simple
5 years ago
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