See Grandma, my eyes are really dark blue....not big brown ones like daddy

See Grandma, my eyes are really dark blue....not big brown ones like daddy

Ryan and friend

Ryan and friend
Mommy, Daddy, I'm saying Hi to Grandma?

This one is for you, Grandma!


soccer with determination and no airplane distractions

Friday, December 19, 2008

Happenings in Worcester, MA

Now this is a big deal. As we attempt to bring together, small Orthodox Parishes, here is the larger picture. Why not, after all we are of one understanding at that is that we worship a triune (a Trinity in Unity), God. One God in three equal persons. The Father, and the Son, and the Holy Spirit. It is Christmas for all of us who are waiting for the coming of our Lord and Saviour Jesus, the Christ. You can find the article here.


Fr. Peter said...
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Laura said...
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