Its been a long time since we had one of those wild nights. This is my 100th post and I thought I'd like to write about something special. Unfortunately, nothing extra-ordinary happens so I'm left to report the same old same old. Except the weather. That seems to be the only thing that changes. Last night, it was reported that we got rain to the tune of .5 inches per hour. While I was posting, I could hear the wind outside. In order for that to happen, it must have been howling out there. Our class was cancelled for fear that some roads were going to ice over. The problem is that not only does the weather change so frequently, but it is different everywhere.
Early radio reports said that some people had power outages, and then came the news that the governor had declared a state of emergency. We were just inches away from the ice, sitting on the line, we got rain. Emergency crews were removing fallen trees and reports of flooding in the same areas of town caused some road ways to be closed. This meant while it was extremely hazardous to drive in certain parts of town, we were stuck in town as surrounding towns had roadways closed, such as Dudley and Charlton. Sturbridge and the Brookfields were iced up and they lost their electricity.
Most stores did not open at their regular time. Worcester had ice and it was advised not to go there. By 10:00 AM the brave arrived, but business had skeleton crews. Schools were closed.
Luckily, the sun is out and drying up the puddles. I've been outside and it is cool. Nate played basketball for a while, ate his favorite meal, hamburg, onions and mashed baked beans all mixed together. I know he liked it as he always asks for more, please.
This will be another busy weekend. Tomorrow evening we are having our Adult Christmas Party at my favorite local pub. Sunday, following liturgy, one of my old-time must watch plays, Scrooge will be featured in Putnam at the Bradley Playhouse, then dinner.
Tonight, they'll be goings on downtown. Santa and his helpers are going to be visiting the area shops enticing visitors to buy, buy, buy. Of course, it's not the real Santa, he is busy making toys for good little girls and boys.
I'm told they'll be a sleigh on wheels, no magic snow here, yet.
The colds are going around once again. Some say its the constant changing of the weather. I'm eating more oranges, and because it promises to dip down tonight and tomorrow, I'm planning to button up my overcoat. I was planning to wear my light-weight red sexy two-piece silk dress, but just like the weather I've changed my mind. The hardest part now is deciding.
Keto Simple
5 years ago
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