My fortune cookie just stated that luck was coming my way, I usually do not put too much stake in it, however, today, I found a lucky penny, too. (I can hope can't I)?
The last few days have been very busy ones. After my doctor's appointment, in which he was running one hour behind, and after my walk, I got a call to pickup my grandson from day care as his mom was unexpectedly tied up in traffic. He was so surprised to see his "grandma." Of course, he assumed that we were going to grandma's house. No dice. Daddy was coming home for a few minutes, having found coverage at work, to let us in. In the meantime, he showed me all around, looking at his sand box and playhouse. Then, he threw sticks into the tree well. I recall showing him how to do that last year, when we were outside together. Then, I showed him how to toss acorns in as well. It was fun. Daddy arrived, and pulled out the basketball and hoop. So we played for a while, (grandma, had to chase the ball), of course. Next came the dump truck and scoop combination with a shovel. He scooped in dirt from in between the set stones in the front walk. Does he enjoy playing with his truck. And Oh, another mess his parents are going to have to clean up.
Along came mom, and he said the magic words she longed to hear from him, "I didn't have a time out today." Mommy was so happy. Dad had to get back to work, and I had to go home and see grampy. I thought he had forgotten all about going to my house when he said to his mother, "daddy said I could go to grandma's house"... Of course, I knew that was not the case, and boy's will be boys. They looked at each other. You have to hand it to him. He may be three, but he is smart. It kind of reminded me of when he outsmarted us while his parents were on vacation, because he didn't want to go to daycare, and preferred to get a new toy at Wal-mart. Any child that can do something that merits a time-out and then put himself there, I'd say outsmarts his parents. Now that's using psychology. Clever! Imagine being bright and cute too.
Oh yes, I forgot to mention that I finally met his little friend, Shiv. I introduced myself, saying "You must be Nathan's little friend that I hear him talk so much about." Children are so precious and they really make your day.
Speaking of day, yesterday our local radio station, collected approximately $23,000. for "food share." A program designed to help those in need throughout the year. Our priest, Father Peter, worked in that endeavor and we are pleased with their accomplishment. It is a sad day when people in this country or anywhere in this world are hungry. The effort speaks to the fact that we still have caring individuals who are willing to extend themselves on behalf of their neighbors. They do this with the knowledge that someone was helped, someone that they didn't even know. That is something to think about especially during the hard pressed times that have been afforded some, due to the recent recession. Others on a fixed income need not suffer because of the generosity of many. This is still a wonderful community, and a great place to live. I'm happy to call it my hometown.
Keto Simple
5 years ago
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