On Sunday morning a Vesper Service was held at our church, during which various languages were introduced, depicting the universality of the Church. A precursor to what is to come, Pentecost.
Several educated parishioners read in various tongues. I went expecting to hear the priest read in his own language, as he stated last year and since, that he was practicing. I was a little surprised that he spoke only in English.
The languages presented were: Latin, French, German, Spanish, Greek, and English. A message was given to the disciples after receiving the words "peace be with you," by the risen Lord, who breathed on them to receive the Holy Spirit, giving them the ability to retain or forgive sins.
Thomas, who was absent, made a very important statement,"I will not believe, unless," when told that Jesus had appeared to the apostles, showing them (the apostles), His hands and His side, and offering proof to His fearful followers.
The book ends there with the doubting Thomas.
Why does Thomas place a condition on the news that he received from the disciples? Didn't he believe them?
No, he has to see for himself the print of the nails in His hands and place his finger in the mark of the nails, and place his hand in His side.
One has to stop and ponder, why? It isn't that he doesn't believe the disciples, I think, but rather to impress upon those reading, that this is an incredible story. The resurrection of Christ to this day is the most remarkable event that ever happened on this earth. Yes, Thomas knew that Lazarus was raised from the dead after four days, decomposing and stinking. The author of life, Jesus had performed his greatest miracle on his own friend as he grieved, showing His humanness and love.
Thomas, in his reaction shows me two things: He was afraid for his own life and, secondly, will proclaim that Jesus is "Lord and God," when he is invited by the Risen Christ to place his hand in His side, testifying to Lordship and the deity of Christ. Thomas provides the "evidence" for future readers, "confirming the testimony" of the disciples. I believe that this was done to verify as most people would require, like Thomas, that this story is incredible, but true.
Scientists to this day are still trying to prove this biblical and historical account, with their many tests. While for some, no proof is necessary, just trust.
Yesterday, my grandson greeted me at the door with the words "Christ is Risen." I wonder at three years old how much of those words he really understands. It takes some a whole lifetime to get it, while some people never will simply because they like Thomas, will need to "see it to believe it". And, that is just not possible on this side of the fence.
Information is taken from the service book for Holy week and Easter.
Keto Simple
5 years ago
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