Honestly, you don't know who to believe sometimes. Global warming, yes the ice caps are melting. Yet, some scientists claim that we are entering into an "ice age." Talk about left and right, up and down, yes and no. Which is it. Maybe both.
I understand how difficult it is to arrive at some type of conclusion on this question. If the scientists don't get it, how will we? I have a better answer, why don't we let them hash it out between themselves and just take care of business. What I say is "use the brain that God gave you." Ask the question, what is nature saying? What does common sense tell me that I should do? I think we "had" it right. We cannot push the clock backward, but we can do all we can to preserve this earth and it's precious species. It's every one's responsibility.
In our town, we are focusing on it's assets. I was born here, you've heard the saying "bloom where you are planted," and it is gorgeous. Rolling hills, pristine lakes, ponds and rivers with wonderful landscaping and abundance. We are sometimes referred to as "the last green valley." Our town is in a process of promoting "green enterprises." Our clean industrial development will lead in showing the world how to do it right. Our community has taken on the responsibility of utilizing waste with alternative energy proposals. We are not lacking in municipal services and are in close proximity to highways leading to key cities, and colleges. It's all coming together and we have it all, summer, fall, winter and spring.
Living in the city, you may have all the shows and stores at your avail, but your life health stems from your environment. That is why I believe we have increased our bird population, not so much global warming. Why are the animals and birds migrating here? It's the environment, stupid. We have it all. I can't wait for migrating birds to come "on time, in the spring," as they are not here, "yet." Just like the bee's they are territorial, and if you feed them, surely they'll know where home is. It wasn't long ago, I heard the Canadian Geese go south in formation. Yes, some stayed behind. From what I see, we are having a "typical" winter, cold, icy and much snow. Did you know in order for birds to survive here in New England, they need to ingest enough food to supply the energy which allows them to shiver throughout the night? That's why little purple and yellow finch arrive only in the spring, along with the wren and other species. No matter what scientists conclude, we need to do our best to preserve our environment and natural surroundings. Because, "life matters." To read more about: "Birds are responding to Climate Change," go here.
Keto Simple
5 years ago
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