Somewhere in my childhood I used hear someone sing this song. Whether it was something made up or not, I don't know. The person who used to sing this, wrote some rather funny songs. All I remember of the words were: "Oh the world owes me a living," dittle dadle dee dee dee dee dum...and then it would repeat again. Then came the laughter.
When I read the following, I remembered the song.
"Spokesman says octuplets mom receives food stamps
Mon., Feb. 9, 2009 8:44 PM EST
The Associated Press
By SHAYA TAYEFE MOHAJER Associated Press Writer
LOS ANGELES (AP) — The California mother of octuplets already receives food stamps and disability payments to help feed and care for her six other children.
Publicist Mike Furtney said Monday that Nadya Suleman receives $490 a month in food stamps.
She also receives disability payments for three of her six previous children, but Suleman did not want to disclose the nature of her children's disabilities or the nature of those payments.
In an interview that aired Monday, Suleman told NBC "Today" show anchor Ann Curry that she does not receive welfare.
Suleman's octuplets were born Jan. 26 in a Los Angeles area hospital.
Furtney says that in Suleman's view, the payments are for her family's legitimate needs."
Today, I walked into a conversation on television, where two lawyers were giving their view to a talk show host. One was saying it is no ones business how many children a woman should have, neither is it the business of the doctors to ask personal background questions, such as income, and housing.
The talk host and other lawyer, disagreed, saying it became our business when we had to pay. Questions about responsibility were brought out. The battle goes on.
Think about it. Child support is, as I understand it, necessary to the point of automatically deducting it from a person's salary when the law provides for it. There is such a thing also as providing for your child, health insurance and other necessities. It is the law that you provide for your child.
When a person has a child unnaturally, and yet, if she knows and has selected the sperm from an individual to fertilize her eggs, why isn't that person also legally bound for the cost of raising the children? How convenient, if and when, the state is liable. The television host made a lot of noise about it. Just think about the many women who can imitate this action. Where, if any, are the laws concerning this?
It was hard raising our children, and as well, everyone else who struggled to put food on the table, pay the rent, buy shoes and necessities. Can someone tell me what's going on here? I agree with the host and other lawyer, the whole story reeks with "neglect" and irresponsibility. There is something wrong with this picture. We need to fix it, quickly. Unless you believe, like the songwriter, "that the world owes you a living".
Keto Simple
5 years ago
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