See Grandma, my eyes are really dark blue....not big brown ones like daddy

See Grandma, my eyes are really dark blue....not big brown ones like daddy

Ryan and friend

Ryan and friend
Mommy, Daddy, I'm saying Hi to Grandma?

This one is for you, Grandma!


soccer with determination and no airplane distractions

Tuesday, October 21, 2008

Rain, Rain Go Away, Little Nate Wants to Play

The truth is that rain or shine, this little child loves to play. I finally washed his dump truck, front loader, and cement mixer well enough so he could enjoy running around the kitchen, hall and bed room without dirt flying all over my vacuumed rugs. His grampy was supposed to do it awhile back, but you know how that is. When he came for dinner last Tuesday, he asked for them. I would not allow him to be disappointed again today, no matter how busy I was preparing for St. Jame's Liturgy and food for those who will gather after.
He was so cute today, all smiles at the door waiting to see me. Today, he had a surprise for me, his play dog snoopy brown, (he has a snoopy white at my house), came over for a visit. Today they played together. It was cute how he talked for them, as they talked to each other, kissing at times.
Then he proceeded to tell me all about his experiences. After that, it was play time. He told me that "daddy is silly." I got a good laugh at that one, out of the mouths of babes. Of course, I agreed with him.
Don't kid yourself, even at that tender age, they know what is going on. He told me what he wanted for dinner, meatloaf and peas. I am making a vegetable soup, and he wanted to be lifted up to smell, "emmm", he would say. Then it was the homemade bread. When it came to the apple cake, he wanted it right there and then, calling it, "pie".
It is cute to see him sleeping with his friends, (snoopy brown and white, with his baby blanket in the other hand touching the tag). He is such a good boy. I never have any trouble with him. He told me he likes my house, that was, after smelling all the wonderful foods cooking. Then, he tells me he is happy. That's what I like to hear.

He is growing up so fast, most of his sentences are four words or more now. He is bright as a light bulb, and he, like his grandmother, knows what he wants. So what does he want? Pancakes for breakfast with syrup and cream. Me too!

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