See Grandma, my eyes are really dark blue....not big brown ones like daddy

See Grandma, my eyes are really dark blue....not big brown ones like daddy

Ryan and friend

Ryan and friend
Mommy, Daddy, I'm saying Hi to Grandma?

This one is for you, Grandma!


soccer with determination and no airplane distractions

Friday, October 24, 2008

Political comments

The Republican Governor, Sarah Palin, is wearing clothing that is "expected" for her to wear, which is not customary for her, and will be returned to the RNC for auction, once she is done wearing them. All monies raised will to go to charity. They were not her purchases, according to her own statement last night on Fox News, where she was a guest of Sean Hannity.

No one likes the "spending" going on, while belt tightening is happening all over the nation. It irks me how people can belittle her, and her clothing, while not looking at the victory party planned by Sen. Obama's campaign, in Chicago, now approximated to the tune of over $2 million dollars. What wastefulness! I'm fed up with the "petty, childish minds." Do you really think that you can win over people with your obvious deceptions and misinformation? Why the tactic of fraudulent voting? Afraid you can't win on your own? That is what stealing the election says.

While I'm on the subject of money, the party that proposes the spending packages, "tax and spend government," which is not a new strategy, where did you say your getting all the money? This country does not need to place the burden on people making $42,000. a year or over. They have already been taxed to death.

If you think that taxing small business is the answer, let me tell you why I think of that proposal as "mission impossible." Impossible without hurting this great nation.
  • Tax money is not generated by the unemployed, as companies will have to lay-off people to pay increased tax. Adding people to the unemployment list will add to the deficit.
  • Companies will be forced to move to another country or close, (go out of business). The tax revenue from these businesses will be lost, and, the lack of work, increases the unemployed and collecting 65% of their pay will increase our debt.
  • Companies will confer their tax burden to the consumers, (that's you)! It is known that our companys are the second highest taxed in the world, paying 30% already. Besides their forced contribution to medical expenses, and other benefits. All these are commodities which will have an effect on prices that are already to high. These will continue to skyrocket.
  • Do we want the government to decide and manage our personal life, including health? Placing little value on life in its infancy, (abortion rights), should tell you something. Do you really want to be tied up in all that paperwork, while decision making is imminent? Our choice means that they must compete for our business and our money.
  • What will happen to work incentives, when all is given freely without working for it?
  • Does laziness, equal vulnerability in the eyes of our enemies? (Aren't they waiting for just the right moment?)

Of course, you will have no problem if "The check and balance system of this country is removed," meaning all laws and bills will slide through without opposition. Is this what we want for Americans at this time? "A free for all?" Watch out people, this spells danger. Our forefathers did not set up this style of government, but a system of balance where we have, veto power, designed to provided a check system, which protects us.

Be very afraid, this is not a time to be taxing, but, trying to develop the economy by healthy business growth. This is the solution which employs Americans who in turn pay taxes which help the needy in this country.

Lastly, if this system has not worked for us in the past, then you tell me how it is that we have been able, as a young country, to be able to help all those abroad in need and in our own country in times of disaster? We are always the first, and the best.

Your vote is of value. Use your head. Think about the consequences. Ultimately, you are responsible for your actions and collectively, with the help of God, all will be according to His will for us.

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