Many books have been written about a negative attitude vs. positive. This morning I was speaking to Loretta who called to thank us for our part in her mother's birthday celebration. We shared a bit, then she said something about her mother that we all take for granted. That is: "There is no negative language in their home." She said, "It is always a positive atmosphere." Now that is another secret to living 100 years, I'm sure.
Today on Father Peter Live, the featured guest was Anne Jolles of Hanover, MA. To learn more about Anne go here. Anne has written a book and to learn more about Rise & Shine Anytime you can go here.
There was so much good advice from a seemingly "all-together" person that it will be hard for me to relate all her great thoughts and ideas on this post. (Read the Book).
Since I am a bottom-line person that is what you'll get, directly to the point. Her profession is a life coach. She gets people to where they need to go. A plan for people who feel that there's got to be more in life. She helps them "design" a life that they desire.
Achieving their desire, which is determined by what they say, and what is important to them, and by utilizing tips, tools and strategies, she helps them to achieve goals. Her principles are geared to help make a quick impact. She tweeks and gets a spark going. Anne talks about the negative effect on the quality of your life and relationship, saying "light is dimming, there is a lot of stress being placed on employed people today, creating an atmosphere of fear where people have trouble focusing".
Fr. Peter remarked "we need to put a positive spin on things." She spoke about " a recession free hour -- what's in our power to control." "What can we choose and that's a power inside us." Then she said "Don't worry, your worries are going to come and find you." In other words, worrying does not make problems go away. It changes nothing.
Anne said, "When the mud hits the fan all you can do is duck." And, "When your overwhelmed you either sink or swim." It was agreed by both of them that you learn to swim or die.
Sometimes you have to "step into a state of grace," she said.
Using five words that save her, she briefly named them and what role they play in turning your course.
Gratitude - thankful for (what's going right in your life.)
Release - What to let go of (What's in my control, What's out of my control). Acknowledge and release.
Acknowledge & Acceptance - "See and hear" Acknowledge the situation, clearly. Fr. Peter added: "The first step to recovery is acknowledgement." Where you are, then choice. What are you going to do about it." "Acceptance breathes choices."
Create, Challenge, Change - Anne said, "Challenge yourself, get out of bed." This is about personal changes. Your inside yearnings and desires. Father Peter said "One step and day at a time." "Think in terms of steps completed." Anne envisions a huge ball made from elastic rubber bands. This is to be unraveled one rubber band at a time and eventually the ball will get smaller.
Embrace - She begins by asking us to envision a place on earth that makes us feel free and alive. "What is possible from here." Seeing yourself with open arms" (that is embracing) "Opens your Heart to something we desire."
"You are the only one who knows what you are feeling inside in your heart." She talks a little about being quiet. Saying, "Quietness brings out loneliness" and "What's up with you today?" Father Peter talks about "noise" and we are so busy with all the gadgets in order to busy ourselves not to listen to the voice inside. Anne said, "humans crave touch, it's illegal." New laws require father to wear a glove when anointing. Anne stated that she believes in "hands on healing." "Touch helps us to find our way out..ignites our healing energies." I laughed to myself as I often hear Fr. Peter exclaim, "Don't touch me."
Then Anne said something that I fully understand and try to do often. "Can you come out and Play?" She made it a mandatory Fun Challenge. Fr. talked about wearing his kilt on St. Patrick's Day, as he likes to create fun. Saying, "It takes a real man to wear a kilt." Anne said, "Fun and Joy connects you with your strength," demanding a real commitment from Father. So he welcomed the radio audience to commit to go tonight to 12 Crane St. at 8:00 PM to sing with the fire guys.
The program ended with the usual exchange of e-mail addresses and then, where the book can be purchased.
She said something that I wholeheartedly agree with. "We can change other people's focus,"as most mom's know, because we do it all the time. But, not for a living like Anne. Fr. said there will be a podcast soon. Don't miss it! It was a great show and that's why I will be looking forward to the next Father Peter Live, 970 AM.
Keto Simple
5 years ago
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