Yesterday I wrote a post about healing waters. Today I will focus on Life-giving water.
Jesus entered the waters of Jordan, He sanctifies forever the waters of baptism (and indeed, all of creation), by mystery restoring it to its original condition through union with Him. (taken from the Orthodox Study Bible, Pg. 145.)
Everyone has heard of holy water. Years ago, I recall my mom and grandmother sprinkling it around the window during a thunderstorm. People would have little containers placed at their doorway in order that they could bless themselves with the holy water as they entered a room. Certainly if you were Roman Catholic, you would find fountains placed at the door and you would make the sign of the cross utilizing the holy water as you entered the church. Holy water was poured over the head of one being baptized. And is sprinkled around the church, as it is used in blessing people.
The mystery of Jesus' entering the Jordan and sanctifying the waters didn't end there. Water flows eventually into the ocean. Water is evaporated and clouds move all over the earth, and waters the ground. The whole earth drinks of this water, which sanctifies all created things.
We believe in the healing power from the water at Baptism, by which the Holy Spirit brings us to new life. We believe that the blessed water given to us on the feast of Theophany, can heal us when we are ill, and we drink it throughout the year.
Our bodies largely consist of water. We are told to hydrate ourselves in order to be healthy. Water is used in the treatment of many illnesses. Water is a refreshment to us both spiritually and physically, through its life-giving properties.
I leave you with this thought about life-giving water.
(Revelation 22:17) "And the Spirit and the bridge say, "Come!" And let him who hears say, "Come!" And let him who thirsts come. Whoever desires, let him take the water of life freely."
The mystery is resolved. No water, no life. Come to who? Come where? I think you can figure that one out for yourself.
Keto Simple
5 years ago
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