The radio program, Fr. Peter Live, was interesting today. It set me to thinking, and although I did not call in to voice my opinion, I certainly have one. It strikes me as odd sometimes for radio and television personalities to come up with statistics on a subject based on information gathered how? With what measure for example, did 60% of people favor the pro-choice movement? How was it gathered? How many people? What were their ages? What part of the country did they come from? I could go on and on. You can make reports read any way you want them to.
Politicians are to represent their people, those who voted them in. It may not be what they believe. I personally would find that difficult and maybe some of them do also. However, if you can't take the heat stay out of the kitchen. The question remains, do they really know what the vast majority of the people want, or are they guessing based on the opinions and opinion polls of a few. Perhaps, they are mislead by the media, who in recent times has produced a mania movement swaying a massive amount of people not by reason, but by emotion.
What about the media? I say this. They cover selectively. They report selectively. They are bias and downright tricky. They know how to swing the public and media is therefore untrustworthy. People support the station that largely exemplifies their view. I watch Fox News. Some of the other liberal opinions infuriate me. That make me bias as well.
Our politicians are swayed by the minority, who for the most part have financial influence. Where were the people of MA invited to vote for same sex marriage? No voice no choice. We elected them and we have to live with their decisions. How do they get elected? They promise us the moon and we believe it. They do not usually carry through on their promises though. It does not matter what we think or how we feel or if we write until the cows come home, so to speak. There is no recourse for the action of a few, by the majority in this state.
The day we marched in Washington for the rights of the unborn for an example, where were all the television cameras? The amount of people present were not accurately portrayed by the media. The lack of interest shown by the media served as a support for pro-choice, for some reason or another. That same time period saw our tax dollars being allocated for abortions abroad. We are in a recession, yet why all the pork spending?
I'll tell you why, people do not give a darn about the pork spending and the pain and suffering which will be inherited to future generations, as long as they are getting the pork that they want. The me, myself and I generation, including the politicians.
As far as the church is concerned, the politician is clearly on the side of themselves. Because, it is all about me and my popularity. God did not vote them into office, and frankly, by their actions, they seemingly do not care what the church says.
Now that they are in office, frankly, they probably do not care what you say either. When we have the same politicians representating us year after year, we should be wondering why? Maybe we didn't change enough.
Keto Simple
5 years ago
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