South of Los Angelis, in Whittier, CA comes the news of octuplets. The Bellflower hospital has reported that a mom and her eight babies are doing just fine, and, as the breast milk flows in, so does the breast milk bank from other mother's to help with the feeding of the many mouths. This is known as the American way. We help take care of our own, as well as others. "CBS News reported Friday that the mother of eight newborns, who already had six children, filed for bankruptcy and abandoned her home less than two years ago. She hasn't been identified publicly yet, though CBS News described her as a woman in her 30s who lives with her parents." For more information on this go here.
And, this is what everyone is talking about. Particularly knowing that this mother already had six children at home ranging from the age of seven to two. We hope she will be up to the challenge at a young age, to raise all fourteen. Can you image the cost? And, who will be footing the bill?
Needless to say, doctors advise against high order births, due to the "dangers" of multiple pregnancies, but ultimately it is not their decision. "Angela Suleman said her daughter expects a big challenge raising fourteen children," as reported by the Associated Press, on Friday, January 30, 2009.
The six boys and two girls, the second set of octuplets born alive in the United States, received world attention, as well as, much buz here.
Science has made some good advances, as we all must admit, on the other hand, with the ability to clone and mass produce and alter natural processes, one has to wonder where this is taking us. Especially, when a young single mother, can be implanted with embryo's without restriction. I think most of us would agree that in the case of not being able to conceive, parents should have the option of fertility treatment.
This world has gone mad. On one hand, babies are murdered in the womb of their mother. Then, you hear of single mothers, becoming pregnant, in an unnatural way, utilizing "choice" sperms, and having many children that they cannot handle alone.
I am happy that the children are doing fine, and hope for their continued progress, and wish the mother well. They will need many prayers and hands to help them. Still, a wee small voice within me is saying, does this raise questions, or am I the only one that thinks that there is something very wrong here?
What ever happened to the word "adoption". Maybe we should relax the red tape and money needed in adoptive processes. There's got be a better answer somewhere out there, don't you think?
As an Orthodox Christian it is my duty to inform you of the word substance. The word fetus allows people to think of a life process, non-existent as a person, until it breathes. (God uses the term substance, not fetus, as found in Psalm 139). If you care to call a baby a fetus, it doesn't change the fact that it is the creation a human being from the onset. The creator, tells us clearly, both in the old testament and new, that He is responsible for all life.
(Jeremiah 1:5)"Before I formed you in the womb, I knew you, and before you were born I sanctified you."
(Isaiah 44:2)"Thus says the Lord God who made you, and formed you from the womb:
and taken from The Orthodox Study Bible, (Psalm 139:13-16)"For You formed my inward parts; You covered me in my mother's womb. I will praise You, for I am fearfully and wonderfully made; Marvelous are Your works, And that my soul knows very well. My frame was not hidden from You, When I was made in secret, And skillfully wrought in the lowest parts of the earth. Your eyes saw my substance, being yet unformed."
Luke 1:41-42, reminds us that the "fruit" that Mary was carring in her womb, made her blessed among women.
John the Baptist in the womb of his mother, Elizabeth heard the voice of Mary, and leaped with joy.
Doctor's say that babies can hear in the womb and respond to noises, and music. Now how would a fetus do that, if it were not a baby, having ears to hear with?
Much to my surprise, this young mother, was given options, according to the Associated Press, "Suleman said her daughter had embryos implanted last year, and after finding out she was pregnant with multiple babies was given the option by doctors of selectively reducing the number of embryos. The woman declined."
"What do you suggest she should have done? She refused to have them killed," Suleman told the Times. "That is a very painful thing."
Now that is something to ponder.
Keto Simple
5 years ago
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