See Grandma, my eyes are really dark blue....not big brown ones like daddy

See Grandma, my eyes are really dark blue....not big brown ones like daddy

Ryan and friend

Ryan and friend
Mommy, Daddy, I'm saying Hi to Grandma?

This one is for you, Grandma!


soccer with determination and no airplane distractions

Sunday, January 25, 2009

Life at Conception

I've been reading blog and articles about standing up for the Pro Life movement, especially since I Marched in Washington DC, on Thursday. What did I get out of it? I'm still not quite over the physical part as my back is still killing me from the bus ride, and, I seem to have lost some accounting for time, almost like Jet-lag, no worse. The kids were wonderfully keeping me awake with their devices, I-Pods, text-messaging, and constant flashing of lights, not to mention talking. A great bunch of kids. This old foggy slept through two movies on the trip home, could hardly get out of bed on Friday, and is completely convinced that I didn't even touch the surface of what we could have done, and that we can do better. There is no quitting now. Babies and their mothers are being brutalized, much worse than the circumcised issue, we're talking about genocide, the killing of our own, death.

Did the cry of approximately a million people, fall on deaf ears? Perhaps, but if it changed me to think about the horror, if it caused me to spend time enough to do something about it, then I have the same bug as all of the others. We can't quit because of the what ifs.
Change cannot happen without first of all understanding that change is "necessary". And we can't get there without a clearly defined plan. The hearts and minds of many will make the job easier. So plan on helping us next year, we need you.
Things I heard: regret from moms who now know that they made a mistake that can't be undone. A government who uses people's taxes to pay for abortion abroad. (Killing is killing, everywhere). Something from Scrooge goes like this: if their going to die, then let them do so and decrease the surplus population. Are we not our brother's keeper? Scrooge came to his senses, luckily in time to effect change, after the visit of three ghosts. People will not be visiting us in the night, so we are the ones who will need to effect change.

The problem is: Greed, pure and simple. Also, isn't it a way to control the population of certain people?
Older people say, "You have no morals." I say if they don't whose fault is it? The single mother, the divorced parents, the social system which pushes protective "permissiveness"? Maybe the focus on "self", what do I have to be in this world to be accepted? What I must look like, or how much education I must have, and how many goods I can acquire, before someone will "love" and want me? I sometimes hear woman libbers say, while I cringe, "she made something of herself." "Anyone can be a mother." They have literally demeaned motherhood. What of fatherhood? Where is the decision making in all this for them?

It was not unheard of in my day to be a virgin at the alter. Most people still went to church. Yes, virgins in our twenties and why, because we were instilled that sex was wrong outside of marriage. We believed in the Ten Commandments. You know the ones that we allow others to take out of places, just as we allowed prayer to be taken out of schools? Close knit family structures helped along with friends who, having the same upbringing obeyed and respected their parents wishes. Beside the fact, if a guy really loved you, he would wait.
Their was no sex education, and no contraceptives at schools, or elsewhere. It is a personal matter. A matter of respecting yourself and having others respect you. If not, be responsible for your actions. (Today respect and authority are problematic words.)
Yet, we cannot focus on loose morals. The problem is that we must dig deeper. We heard some of those mothers say that having an abortion was painful. That told me that they had to be kids, who were believing a system that probably was not looking out for them. Some said they were never the same. Not able to ever have children again. So why do they become pregnant in the first place? I believe the vast majority of kids in that situation feel unwanted and unloved.
You will do almost anything to get your man. Years ago some gals used sex to manipulate a guy, thinking that "it would endear him to you". Why? Because he says so. And so do all the commercials on television and on the computer. Only to get hurt in the end. Who doesn't want to be loved. Yet, I hear that the younger people do not want to get married. Why, too many don't last for one reason or another. (Their is no room for selfishness in marriage, and it is hard work, the problem is commitment.)

This generation of young people have everything but the love of a close family. Some are "only" children and rely on friends instead of parents to love them.

  • Parents are too busy for them, its their work, their interests, their money.
  • They are sometimes angry from a young age, and live to get back at their parents for leaving them with everyone but the one they want to be with, them.
  • Parents have no choice, they have to work to provide material things. You do want the best colleges and lifestyle don't you? Why blame the parents, at least they had the courage in this world to have kids, right? They have a point, everyone knows it takes several good incomes to make it here. It is the cost of living.
  • Often we expect behavior that we do not exhibit ourselves. No church, no morals, no regrets.

How can the unloved and unwanted of this world, produce more unloved and unwanted children?

The shame of it all is that we are not talking about the rich here, they can afford to go anywhere and, having the money can pay for the best care. It's the poor that suffer. Make no mistake, a society that does not value life at its conception, and therefore has become a culture of death, ultimately can determine the future of its citizens, which includes life through it's natural ending.

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