I have been since the beginning of the month, summarizing the first two chapters of the Bible. The author for those of you who are not familiar with Him, He is the creator of all things. He stands for justice and truth. It is clear from the writings that if you think that he does not hear the cries of those who suffer, then your wrong. Or perhaps, your heart has been hardened like or by the Pharaoh's of this world. It is clear throughout the writings that He can take and will take action to vindicate the sufferings of His people, His creations, and for those we pray for. Today my heart has been opened to the cries of God's creations whose boo-boo's cannot be kissed away, because they are no more.
Yesterday, a mother named Ramona was in Washington, DC at the March for Life, with two of her three children. I know life has been difficult for that family, especially because her husband was in a terrible accident that almost took his life. There was a cost for transportation and the necessities of the day. Probably more than they could afford. Yet, they were there with bus loads of people, providing support to newcomers and tee-shirts. She confided that, she was filled with great emotion and many tears last year. Taking the day off from work, they stood in support of the unborn and the plight of the mothers, hoping that the day will come when the brutal slaughter will stop. Like Virgin Mary, our hearts have been pierced. When your in tune with God, all life cries out to you. One unnatural death is too many.
What I have learned through the readings is that when evil reigns, then the children suffer. First it was through King Herod and the killing of the innocent. This was not a new concept if you look at the pages of Genesis, the command went out previously for the killing of the male infants. As you recall, the mid-wives could not do such a horrible act, so they lied telling Pharaoh that babies were already born, saving the male babies. Pharaoh commanded all his people to cast the male babies into the river.
God sent a deliverer, because He heard the cries of the people. Which include the unborn. Yet, in this country, the land and hope of the free, do not apparently include the unborn. They have no voice, no choice, no hope.
Yesterday, in Washington, DC millions of activists stood at the place in the country where outcry's for injustice can be heard. Those same people were sent by Him because it is time to vindicate the suffering of the unborn. Change is coming to America! We have a new President. President Obama, who has promised to fix the things that are wrong in this country. We believe he can do it. And our representatives of this great nation have promised to enact legislation to that end.
Today, the right to life, which is sanctified by our Creator, and it's decision to abort it, doesn't have to be ordered from the likes of the Pharaoh's or Herod's of this world, as a command or decree, but from the voice of it's own mother. Who many times has come under poor advisement and has been "duped" into believing that life does not matter. A life that was ordained, snuffed out and treated like a throw away because it is easier to deal with at that stage, and forgotten. Your brain didn't forget, nor your heart, nor every woman part in you, nor the love that you couldn't express that day. It will catch up with you.
Just go and listen to those who made similar decisions before you, some suffering physical pain as well as permanent damage. God is forgiving and he will forgive you even the killing of your child. Forgiving yourself, as was witnessed, yesterday, by some speakers, is difficult. It is a great suffering that you may not know at the moment, but it will destroy you, bit by bit. There is a better way.......
I will continue to read the bible in a year. We have reached the exodus of the story, and the people have been "freed". The rest is history. God himself comes to earth to establish His kingdom. A kingdom in which all of His creations will be given the chance to reign with Him forever. But understand this:
Where there is injustice, and suffering, He promises to intervene.
So I pray for the unborn. (Psalm 140:1-5.) Deliver me, O Lord, from evil men; Preserve me from violent men, who plan evil things in their hearts; They continually gather together for war. They sharpen their tongues like a serpent; the poison of asps is under their lips. Keep me, O Lord, from the hands of the wicked; Preserve me from violent men, who have purposed to make my steps stumble. The proud have hidden a snare for me, and cords; They have spread a net by the wayside; They have set traps for me.
My mother had five children during very difficult circumstances. There is no such thing as the right time to have a baby when your pregnant, the time is now. The only question is how does our government show us that life does or doesn't matter? We must begin the examine of life at conception with clear thinking and clear actions.
The T-shirt I wore yesterday was very significant. It said Thank You, Mom. Thank you also to Archbishop Nicholae, for coming from Chicago, representing us and Metropolitan Jonah, of the OCA who gave to the millions present an Orthodox perspective. Our two local priests for getting us there, Fr. Peter and Fr. Ken.
In the days that follow, I am going to share my experiences in becoming an advocate for life. Particularly, of the unborn and the hope I feel that is waiting for pregnant moms. The message is clear that you and your baby are loved. The creator of life tells us so. And we are going to fight for you.
(Rev:21-4) "And God will wipe away every tear from their eyes; there shall be no more death, nor sorrow, nor crying. There shall be no more pain, for the former things have passed away." (References are taken from the Orthodox Study Bible).
Check out Fr. Peter's Post for more on the Washinton, DC March for Life here. "Back from DC."
Keto Simple
5 years ago
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