Jan. 14. (Chapter 41-42). Taken from the Orthodox Study Bible
(Chapter 41). Two years passed and Joseph did not hear from anyone regarding his plea to the cupbearer for his freedom. Pharaoh began to have dreams and sent for all its wisemen as his spirit was troubled. Joseph was called to interpret the Pharaoh's dreams through the witness of the cupbearer, and (16). "So Joseph answered Pharaoh saying, "It is not in me; God will give Pharaoh an answer in peace." Joseph warned of seven years of famine with depleted land and seven plentiful years. And he suggested they gather a reserve in the land for seven years, that the land may not perish during the famine. Because Joseph has the spirit of God in him he is made ruler of Eqypt, sealed by a signet ring. He changed Joseph's name to Zaphnath-Paaneah and gave him a wife Asenath, who bore him two sons before the years of famine. All countries came to Joseph to buy the stored grain as famine was severe in all the earth. Joseph was said to be both sensible and intelligent.
(Chapter 42) Jacob heard of the grain in Egypt and sent 10 sons except for Benjamin, to buy food lest they perish. Joseph recognized his brothers, but they did not recognize him. Joseph holds Simeon hostage, bound and filled the sacks of the other brothers requiring them to bring Benjamin to him. Joseph returned their money in secret. Jacob is told of this arrangement, but does not want to release Benjamin to them to verify they are men of peace. If anything were to happen to him in his old age, he would be sorrowed to his grave.
Keto Simple
5 years ago
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